Rob Barton's Personal Testimony


Webster's Dictionary;
The religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Christians.

It seems like a life-time ago that I was living my life for whatever I could get out of it, with no real purpose or direction. When I reflect upon my life and the things I had done, I know it is just by the grace of God that I am able to write this testimony.

Even though I was not raised in church and had never even read the Bible, I knew in my heart there was a God. I also believed there was a heaven; but when I thought about God, and heaven as His dwelling place, I pictured it as a place of perfection. Common sense told me that if there is really a place where there are no tears and complete joy (as the Bible says), then, no evil can exist there. So when I took an honest look at my life, I could see that I was not perfect, and I knew that there was no way I would be allowed into heaven. With that attitude I lived my life as I wanted because, well, what would it matter? I would never be accepted into heaven!

Life was pretty much a blur until one day when I was about 32 years old I was sitting on my front porch on a Sunday morning -- after a long night. I began asking the question "Is this all there is to life?" I was thinking that if this is it, and then you die, life is pretty empty and very unsatisfying. I had experienced almost all of the things that "the world" said would make me "happy" and "make me a man." I was very disappointed in the outcome!

Later that week, my wonderful wife, Tammy, mentioned to me that we should go to church. She said if not for ourselves, then for my son Lil' Rob who was around six years old at that time. Well, she got my attention because I wanted what was best for my son and did not want him to have to experience the same disappointing endeavors which I had spent so many years pursuing.

I actually told Tammy that I would go to church on Sunday mornings, but that I was not going on Sunday night or on any other night of the week. I also let her know that I did not want to hang out with all those "church people" because I was absolutely sure they didn’t know how to have fun! So we went to a church that had just started meeting in Wake Forest, NC. We had visited only two weeks when Pastor Richard Mills asked if he could come to our home on the following Wednesday night. This kind of contact was exactly what I did not want, but to my own surprise, I said "O.K."

That Wednesday night proved to be the greatest night of my life! Pastor Richard sat down with me and explained the gospel message. "Gospel" means "good news", and I certainly needed some good news. He began with Romans 3:23 which says that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I agreed with that. If there is one thing I know, it is that I am a sinner and far from being perfect.

Then he showed me Romans 6:23 which states that the wages of sin is death or eternal separation from God. Again I agreed that there was no way for a sinner like me to get into heaven. So far, the news wasn’t so good.

I now know that man is very prideful, and for him to admit that he is a sinner, and in need of a savior, is very hard. We all want to think that we are “pretty good people.” But if a person takes an honest look into his own heart, he will realize that he is indeed in need of a savior.

Back to Pastor Richard: He continued by saying, "Yes, we are all sinners,and sin separates us from a Holy God." That is the bad news. But he was about to share the best news I have ever heard. The good news is found in the Book of John, Chapter three, verse 16: John 3:16 – "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes on Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

I said, "Hold on, my brother. I don’t quite understand. So, you are saying that all I have to do is believe in Jesus Christ, and BAM, I am in heaven????" He then explained that not only must one believe in Jesus, but one must also believe in what He did.

Pastor Richard went on to explain that because we have a holy God, sin is NOT allowed in heaven. Because we have a just God, He demands payment for that sin, and since we are sinners, we are unable to pay that price. So God sent His Son to this world, in order for Him to take on human flesh (God incarnate), and become the perfect sacrifice as payment for OUR sin. I was astonished to learn that God demands a payment that we cannot pay, yet He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross and make that payment for us. Pastor Richard exclaimed, “Yes! "He loves us that much!" Read this verse carefully – Romans 5:8 – "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

At that very moment my eyes were opened to God’s plan of salvation for man. I was so relieved. That heavy burden that I had been carrying was lifted. I was truly amazed to know that I am going to be in heaven with God one day. Now when I tell you that my eyes were opened, I mean it literally, as well as figuratively. I could not sleep that night. As my wife and I began to discuss the Bible, she recalled many things about the people in the Bible that she had been taught as a child. I kept asking one question after another. I could not get enough, and it is still the same way today, I LOVE to read and study God’s word.

Well to say the least, my life changed immediately in one sense – I had been "justified" by God and will be going to heaven to live with Him eternally when I pass from this earthly life. My life also continues to change daily through God’s sanctifying work in me (sanctification) where I grow spiritually day by day and seek to model Jesus Christ in my life. I have never looked back. I now have a real purpose in life, and that is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I am so glad that God answered my question "is this all there is to life?"

To summarize, the journey that I have been on for the last 14 years has been incredible. I am now one of three pastors at a church in Youngsville NC. You can visit our website at

Oh yeah, my son has now graduated college. Guess what?... He has never had to experience the things I did as young man. He understands God’s plan of salvation, and lives his life to glorify his Savior. Praise the Lord! We now have another son, Nathan. He brings great joy to the Barton home, and he also understands his need for a Savior. My wife and I are also in the process of adopting. I guess we need a baby in the house every ten years.

P.S – I hope and pray that by reading this testimony, you will understand the "gospel message" and your purpose in life. If you have any questions, please email me

Yours Truly,

Rob Barton